“Anti-science and science-skeptical attitudes over time. The case of France in historical perspective”, Public Understanding of Science, forthcoming.
with GUINAUDEAU (Isabelle), Tunnels of attention: reconsidering issue competition, Comparative Political Studies, forthcoming.
with MAYER (Nonna), A new form of anti-government resentment? Making sense of mass support for the Yellow-Vest Movement in France, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 746-768.
Media and Policy Making in the Digital Age, Annual Review of Political Science, vol. 25, pp. 443-461.
État des lieux. Retour sur la notion de policy feedback : les effets des politiques publiques sur l’opinion publique, Gouvernement et action publique, vol. 10, no. 4, p. 163-169.
with BREUNIG (Christian) & Hänni (Miriam), Responsiveness and Democratic Accountability: Observational Evidence from an Experiment in a Mixed‐Member Proportional System, Legislative Studies Quarterly, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 79-94.
with BORGHETTO (Enrico), SEVENANS (Julie), Parliament’s (lack of) agenda-setting power over the executive decision agenda: evidence from Belgium, France and Portugal, Revista de Administração Pública, 54 (6), 1588-1612
A gender bias in the European Journal of Political Research?, European Political Science, vol. 19, pp. 416-27.
with GUINAUDEAU (Isabel), PERSICO (Simon), “Les partis et l’Europe. Européanisation des programmes ou nationalisation des enjeux européens ?”, Politique européenne, no. 64, pp. 56-85.
with SAUGER (Nicolas), “Economic Internationalization and the decline of the left-right dimension”, Party Politics, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 36-49.
“France’s Yellow Vests–Symptom of a Chronic Disease”, Political Insight, 10(1), pp. 30-34
with BROUARD (Sylvain), GUINAUDEAU (Isabelle), PERSICO (Simon) et FROIO (Caterina), “Do Party Manifestos Matter in Policy-Making? Capacities, Incentives and Outcomes of Electoral Programmes in France”, Political Studies, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 903-921.
“Populisme et gouvernabilité dans la perspective des élections européennes”, Revue de l’OFCE,4,463-474
with VLIEGENTHART (Rens), WALGRAVE (Stefaan), WOUTERS (Ruud), HUTTER (Swen), JENNINGS (Will), GAVA (Roy), TRESCH (ANKE), VARONE (Frédéric), BREUNIG (Christian), BROUARD (Sylvain), CHAQUES-BONAFONT (Laura), “The Media as a Dual Mediator of the Political AgendaSetting Effect of Protest. A Longitudinal Study in Six Western European Countries”, Social Forces, vol. 95, no. 2, p. 837-859.
with VLIEGENTHART (Rens), WALGRAVE (Stefaan), BAUMGARTNER (Frank), BEVAN (Shaun), BREUNIG (Christian), BROUARD (Sylvain), CHAQUES-BONAFONT (Laura), JENNINGS (Will), MORTENSEN (Peter), PALAU (Anna), SCIARINI (Pascal), TRESCH (ANKE), “Do the media set the parliamentary agenda? A comparative study in seven countries”, European Journal of Poltical Research, vol. 55, no. 2, p. 283-301.
with FRANCOIS (Abel), “How to define legislative turnover? Incidences of its measures of renewal and levels of analysis”, Journal of Legislative Studies, vol. 21, no. 4, p. 457-475.
with SAUGER (Nicolas), “Un président normal? Presidential (in-)action and unpopularity in the wake of the great recession”, French Politics, vol. 12, no. 2, p. 86-103.
with BAUMGARTNER (Frank R.), BROUARD (Sylvain), LAZARDEUX (Sébastien), MOODY (Jonathan), “Divided Government, Legislative Productivity, and Policy Change in the USA and France”, Governance, vol. 27, no. 3, p. 423-447.
with WOLL (Cornelia), “Saving the banks. The political economy of financial bailout”, Comparative Political Studies, vol. 47, no. 4, p. 574-600.
with FRANCOIS (Abel), “Who are the ministers of the Fifth Republic?”, French Politics, vol. 11, no. 3., September, p. 272-283.
with COLLINGWOOD (Loren), JURKA (Timothy P.), BOYDSTUN (Amber E.), ATTEVELDT (Wouter van), “RTextTools: A Supervised Learning Package for Text Classification”, RJournal, vol. 5, no. 1, June, p. 6-12, text online.
with BROUARD (Sylvain) et GUINAUDEAU (Isabelle), “La compétition partisane française au prisme des priorités électorales”, Revue française de science politique, vol. 62, no. 2, p. 255-276.
with LEBLOND (Patrick), “European Financial Integration: Finally the great leap forward?”, Journal of Common Market Studies, vol. 49, no. 2, p. 413-435
with WOLL (Cornelia), “The French Debate over the Bolkestein Directive”?, Comparative European Politics, vol. 9, no. 3, p. 344-366
with FRANCOIS (Abel), “Who are the deputies of the Fifth Republic? Some figures”, French Politics, vol. 9, no. 4, 364-380
“Les politistes français face aux revues scientifiques. Résultats d’un sondage online”, Revue française de science politique, vol. 60, no. 3, p. 565-585
with WILKERSON (John), BAUMGARTNER (Frank R.) ,BROUARD (Sylvain), CHAQUES (Laura), GREEN-PEDERSEN (Christopher), JONES (Bryan D), TIMMERMANS (Arco), WALGRAVE (Stefaan), “Le Projet Agendas Comparés : objectifs et contenu”, Revue internationale de politique comparée, vol. 16, no. 3, 365-379
with BAUMGARTNER (Frank), BROUARD (Sylvain), “Agenda-setting dynamics in France: revisiting the ‘partisan hypothesis’”, French Politics, vol. 7, no. 2, 75-95.
“The president’s choice? Government and cabinet turnover under the French Fifth Republic”, West European Politics, vol. 32, no. 2, 268-286.
with SAUGER (Nicolas), “The end of ambiguity? The four phases of the French 5th Republic”, West European Politics, vol. 32, no. 2, 420-434.
“La résistance comme opportunité : les stratégies des institutions politiques françaises face à l’intégration européenne”, Revue internationale de politique comparée, vol. 16, no. 1, 667-678.
“France and the EU: from opportunity to constraint?”, Journal of European Public Policy, vol. 14, no. 7, p. 983-991.
with SAUGER (Nicolas), “Political institutions under stress. Assessing the impact of European integration on French political institutions”, Journal of European Public Policy, vol. 14, no. 7, p. 1117-1134.
“Europeanisation as an interactive process: German public banks meet European competition policy”, Journal of Common Market Studies, vol. 44, no. 2, p. 325-347
with SAURUGGER (Sabine), “Les groupes d’intérêt au secours de la démocratie ?”, Revue française de Science politique, vol. 56, no. 2, p. 299-321
with SAURUGGER (Sabine), “Les groupes d’intérêt français : entre exception française, l’Europe et le monde”, Revue internationale de politique comparée, vol. 11, no. 4, p. 507-529
“Bringing politics back in: rethinking the role of economic interest groups in European integration”, Journal of European Public Policy, vol. 11 no. 4, p. 637-654
with SAURUGGER (Sabine), “Challenging French Interest Groups: the State, Europe and the International Political System”, French Politics, vol. 2, no. 2, p. 203-220 2003
“Les groupes d’intérêt économiques face à l’intégration européenne : le cas du secteur bancaire”, Revue française de Science politique, vol. 53, no. 5, p. 37-60
“L’Européisation de la représentation des intérêts : le cas des associations bancaires”, Politique européenne, No. 7, Spring, p. 43-65
avec SAURUGGER (Sabine), “Introduction : Les groupes d’intérêt et l’Union européenne”, Politique européenne, No. 7, p. 5-17
with MICOLET (Paul-Emmanuel), “Le nouvel ordre de politique économique européen : une constitution économique au service de la stabilité monétaire?”, Revue du marché commun et de l’Union européenne, no. 437, pp. 243-251
with GUINAUDEAU (Isabelle), Do elections still matter? Parties, institutions and policymaking in advanced industrial democracies, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021.
with SAUGER (Nicolas), Pourquoi détestons-nous autant nos politiques ?, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2017, 173 p.
with SAURUGGER (Sabine), Les groupes d’intérêt. Action collective et stratégies de représentation, Paris, Armand Colin, Collection U, 251 p., 2nd edition, 2012.
with SAUGER (Nicolas), Introduction aux systèmes politiques de l’Union européenne, Bruxelles, De Boeck, 2007.
with SAUGER (Nicolas), BROUARD (Sylvain), Les Français contre l’Europe? Les sens du référendum du 29 Mai 2005, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2007.
with IRONDELLE (Bastien), SAURUGGER (Sabine), Les mots de l’Europe : lexique de l’intégration européenne, Paris : Presses de Sciences Po, 2001.
with BAUMGARTNER (Frank) and BREUNIG (Christian) (eds.), Comparative Agendas. Concepts, tools and data, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019, now open access at oup.com.
mit HEIDENREICH (Felix)(eds.), Konstellationen der Souveränität in Europa/ Constellation de la souveraineté en Europe, Münster, Lit Verlag, 2018, 144 p.
with ELGIE (Robert) and MAZUR (Amy)(eds.), The Oxford Handbook of French Politics, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016.
with SAUGER (Nicolas) “France’s political institutions at Fifty”, West European Politics, vol. 32, no. 2, 2009.
France and the EU after the referendum, London, Routledge (book version of a special issue of the Journal of European Public Policy), 2007.
with SAURUGGER (Sabine), “La transformation du paysage des groupes d’intérêt français”, Revue française de Science politique, vol. 56, no. 2, 2006.
“Lobbying et vie politique”, Problèmes politiques et sociaux, No. 918, 2002.
with SAURUGGER (Sabine), “Le groupes d’intérêt en Europe”, Politique européenne, No. 7, 2003.
with GUINAUDEAU (Isabelle), “Les enjeux et promesses de la campagne” in K. Brookes et al (dir.), Citoyens et partis après 2022, Paris, PUF, pp. 101-116
“Partis, compétition politique et médias” in F. Haegel & S. Persico (dir.), Les partis politiques, Bruxelles, Larcier, pp. 309-348
with GUINAUDEAU (Isabelle), “The Cost of Ruling above Everything Else: Explaining Presidential Popularity in France”, in T. Hellwig and M. Singer (dir.), Economics and Politics Revisited. Executive approval and the new calculus of support, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 80-107
with RICHTER (Friederike), “Agenda-Setting in Comparative Perspective: An Analysis of Policymaking Processes in France, the United Kingdom and the United States”, in Bart Hidreth et al. (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Public Administration, London, Routledge, pp. 293-302.
with GUINAUDEAU (Isabelle), “Le vote sur enjeu” dans Y. Deloye et N. Mayer (dirs.), Analyses électorales, Bruxelles, Bruylant, p. 497-548.
with JABER (Asmaa), “Le rôle des médias dans la campagne présidentielle de 2012” dans J. Gerstlé et R. Magni-Berton (dirs.), 2012: La campagne présidentielle, Paris, Editions Pepper, p. 53-72.
with BROUARD (Sylvain) et GUINAUDEAU (Isabelle), “The evolution of the French political space revisited: issue priorities and party competition” dans C. Green-Pedersen et S. Walgrave (eds.), Agenda-setting, policies and political systems. A comparative approach, Chicago, Chicago University Press, p. 53-68.
with LEBLOND (Patrick), “Financial Regulation in Europe: From the Battle of the Systems to a Jacobinist EU” dans RICHARDSON Jeremy, dir., Contructing a policymaking state. Policy dynamics in the EU, Oxford, Oxford University Press, p. 189-208.
“Les groupes d’intérêt et les mouvements sociaux dans l’Union européenne”, in DEHOUSSE Renaud, dir., 2009, Les politiques européennes, Presses de Sciences Po, Paris.
with BROUARD (Sylvain), “La production législative de l’UE par secteurs : premières analyses et comparaisons”, in DEHOUSSE Renaud, DELOCHE-GAUDEZ Florence, 2009, Que fait l’Europe ?, Presses de Sciences Po, Paris.
“The changing patterns of executive dominance under the 5th Republic”, in APPLETON Andrew, BROUARD Sylvain, MAZUR Amy, eds., 2008, The French Fifth Republic at 50, Palgrave, London. 2007
with LUQUE (Emilio), MUNIESA (Fabian), “Economies through transparency”, dans Christina Garsten and Monica Lindh de Montoya (eds), Transparency in a new global order: unveiling organizational visions, Aldershot, Edward Elgar, p. 97-121
“Les groupes d’intérêt en France et en Europe”, dans Pascal Perrineau et Luc Rouban (dirs.), La politique en France et en Europe, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, p. 156-185
“Les groupes de pression”, notice dans Le notionnaire. Encyclopédie Universalis, Paris
“European banking policy between multilevel governance and Europeanisation” dans Andrew Baker (ed.), Governing financial globalisation, London, Routledge, pp. 130-146
“L’acteur”, notice dans Laurie Boussaguet, Sophie Jacquot et Pauline Ravinet (dirs.), Dictionnaire des politiques publiques : une boite à outils pour comprendre l’action publique, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, p. 23-30
with BUTZBACH (Olivier), “La réforme de la politique bancaire en France et en Italie : le rôle ambigu de l’instrumentation de l’action publique”, dans Pierre Lascoumes et Patrick Le Galès (dirs.), L’instrumentation de l’action publique, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po